Trade owned land

2022-02-12 00:13:27





To sell one of your properties visit your Profile page, choose the property you want to sell and select Edit/Sell.

Here you can modify the Description, check the Location and set the TOTAL Price. Be aware that properties with the Advertise in Marketplace option activated can be viewed and bought by players for the TOTAL Price.

To save the changes click Save; select Cancel if you would like to abort the changes.

Note that you can modify property’s details only once every 10 minutes; be careful when saving!


If you would like to purchase an already owned property you can either search the desired location by navigating on the Grid Map or visit the Marketplace.

To know more about the Marketplace, please read the next guide: How The Marketplace Works.

In the Map view, after finding and selecting the property you would like to purchase, click on Details.

If the property is not for sale you can always submit a bid (or offer).


To submit a bid, select Bid in the Details window.

Insert a bid amount and then click Place Bid to confirm.

Be sure your Account Balance has enough funds to submit the bid. You can always add more funds to your Account Balance by visiting your profile settings.

  • Bids must be at least 30% of the current owner’s purchase price (unless the user has disabled 30% minimum bidding)
  • When submitting a bid, Earth 2® will hold the bid amount until it gets accepted or rejected. You can also cancel a bid at any time.
  • You can review the bids you have made on your Transactions page.
  • Promotional Codes do not work when submitting or accepting bids.


    To cancel a bid, visit the property (or click the bid action in the Transactions page), scroll down to the details section and click Cancel beside the bid you want to cancel.

    The money will be added back to your Account Balance.


    If the property is for sale, you will read the price set by the land owner.

    You can buy the property for the Buy Now Price by selecting Buy Now.

    You can also consider submitting a bid by selecting Bid.

  • The land owner will receive a notification with your offer.
  • The land owner has the option to send a counter offer (or counter bid) and you will receive a notification with the details.
  • Earth 2® will receive 5% of the profit from the seller upon completion of the transaction (improvement fee).

    After purchasing a property you will receive an email notification with the details.

    Additionally, you can check the Transactions page for a complete and detailed list about your account’s operations. Click in the top right of your screen, select your username/avatar and then Transactions.