2021-09-18 16:08:28 UPDATED








What is DeRace?

DeRace is the first decentralized blockchain-based racehorse platform that joins millions of racehorse enthusiasts in a community where you can buy and breed NFT horses, bet on real-time horse races, and host races in your owned hippodromes for actual profit.

DeRace is a combination of 3 significantly growing multi-billion-dollar markets: video gaming, gambling, and the future leader of the betting market, horse racing, all merged by blockchain and NFT technologies

The gameplay of DeRace is created to be both simple and complex at the same time. The player can participate in a preferred way. The player can play as a:

  • Horse owner

  • Bookmaker

  • Bettor

In every role, the players can play with a different involvement, offering both active and passive gameplay. The involvement would influence the profit earned. All players earn key benefits with activity earning greater rewards.

There’s never a zero.

DeRace is a platform that simulates real-life horse racing and gives players the ultimate horse racing experience. It contains not only the race itself but also other parts of the industry.

Horse owners can own, breed and trade horses as well as compete in races. Hippodromes host races, compete against each other and attract participants and bettors. And lastly, the bettors place bets on preferred horses.

How does it works?

NFT Horses

Like real-life racehorses, DeRace horses have different traits that define their rarity, performance, cool-down time, and ultimately value. They are 100% one of the kind. A horse is a valuable asset that allows you to participate in races and earn payouts.


Every NFT horse has a set of visible and hidden characteristics:

  • Visible: sex, color, shape, breed, breeding and racing cool-down

  • Hidden: speed and stamina

Speed and stamina are the key factors of winning the race. Speed and stamina can be speculated from horse appearance, bloodline (parent genetics), and previous race statistics.

Example of NFT horse characteristics:


Horse properties



60 / 100


80 / 100

Racing cool-down

5 min

Breeding cool-down





Mix Breed



Physical data


Eye color


Eye shape

Type 2

Body pattern


Body type





Type 3


Type 0

Additional head element



Type 4

We use NFT technology to create and differentiate every horse in the game. Horses are stored as NFT tokens. Horses can be bought in NFT marketplaces (in-game or third party) or created through breeding.

Every NFT horse's data is visible to the public. Users can inspect horse appearance, check horse race history and bloodline. Family trees allow users to navigate through horse ancestry.

The NFT horses will have a level system. The level will depend on the races participated, races won, and overall activity on the platform. Higher the level, the higher the price. The horses can compete in hippodromes with same-level horses.

Two NFT tokens create a third NFT token. The player selects 2 NFT horses for breeding. One must be male, another female. Both horses breeding cool-down must be at 0.

Each horse has its unique features that affect how the horse looks, breeds, and performs on a racetrack. All physical characteristics, sex, and breeding cool-down are visible for users.

Speed and stamina - are a key factor in winning the race are hidden and only can be speculated through horse appearance, bloodline (parent genetics), and previous race statistics.


Both NFT horses tokens are sent to GA (Genetic Algorithm) via Ethereum smart contract. GA generates a third NFT horse combining genes from parent horses, with +- 5% deviation (RNG factor is applied). That means that even if both parents had the property of speed 20 - their child's speed can be in norms from 19 to 21.

3rd generated NFT horse and parent horses are sent back to the corresponding user wallet via smart contract.

NFT horse breeding


Betting takes place in hippodromes. The players see all upcoming races in a dashboard and choose where to participate. They can filter all races by date, pool and preliminary coefficient.

The bettors can place bets on a winning horse, top 5 horses, the number of horses that finish the race, etc.

The betting calculations are fully automated by an algorithm. Coefficient and all payouts are also automatic. The coefficient will be recalculated and fixed prior to the race start, and, once betting is closed. All payouts are sent automatically once the race is run.


AVATAR (0/59)


Please enter a valid username



Investment Risk


Long-Term expectations


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